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Interactive Music 0-5s
Feel-good, musical fun with Ragdolly Annas
High-energy, inclusive Music and Games
You and your children will enjoy 45 minutes of high energy music, singing and dancing. Half-termly fun themes and a different song playlist each week, supported by props, bubbles and the parachute!
Grown-up sing along songs are always included to ensure that you have as much fun as your little ones!
While having fun is our main objective, the activities link into the Early Years Foundation Framework making these sessions a perfect setting to work on communication, socialisation and numeracy, to name a few.
On the Day - What to Expect
What to Expect On the Day
No need to bring anything with you. All props are supplied.
Mats are set out on the floor for you to be seated with your child, however chairs are always available.
The music is loud, but not uncomfortably so.
Grown-ups are encouraged to join in as much as possible – though it is entirely up to you!
All venues are ventilated and all equipment is freshly sanitised before each session.
Every single child learns in a different way. We have children who just sit and watch, children who join in with every move, and children who run around the room! Anything goes with us as we understand that even though it may not look like they are learning, they are! We place no restrictions on children at all and we do find that, with consistency, everyone always benefits from our sessions.
Additional Needs
We pride ourselves on being an all inclusive group. Our team are all trained in the ‘understanding of additional needs’ and have years of experience in working with children with different abilities. Everybody is welcome at every single event.
Burning Questions
Burning Questions
These are the questions that come up the most and if someone else has them, you may too!
My baby is only 6 weeks old, is she too young to come along? Whilst your baby may not be interacting that much yet, they are never too young to come along to a Ragdolly Annas 0-5 music session. There is so much stimuli, from watching the older children, to listening to the music and being in a bright, colourful environment. It’s also quality time for you and your little one away from all the distractions of day to day life. Plus, as an adult, you get to meet other grown-ups, be around other people and enjoy the specially selected tunes thrown in for your enjoyment!
Is it too loud for my little one’s ears? The world is a loud place. When the children go to pre-school they will be exposed to a lot of noise! We look at our sessions as the perfect environment to set them up for a successful, smooth transition into school life!
I have concerns about Covid? Covid hasn’t gone away, and neither have all the other pesky illnesses such as chicken pox, hand foot and mouth and conjunctivitis!
To keep our environment as safe as possible, all props are freshly sanitised before every session, we always have ventilation in the venue and our mats are spaced apart. You will never attend a session at Ragdolly Annas where it feels overcrowded.
Single 45 Minutes Music and Rhyme events for the 0-5’s
- 1 Adult and 1 Child £7.95
- 1 Adult and 2 Children £9.95*
- 1 Adult and 3+ Children £11.95*
- Additional Adult £2
*Children under 6 months of age and accompanying an older sibling are FREE.

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Places will be reserved by the booking system whilst in checkout.
Places added to the cart will be reserved for 45mins, then made available again.
Full Schedule BY DATE
Click on a date to reveal the details of the event and BOOK button. You can select multiple dates.
Places will be reserved by the booking system whilst in checkout.
Places added to the cart will be reserved for 45mins, then made available again.